【学术报告】(12月9日周三16:00,Med-X 108,闵行文选楼323同步视频)题目:Ultra-Sensitive Raman Nanoparticles for Detection of Microscopic Cancer
发布时间:2015-12-03 12:09:43

【报告题目】Ultra-Sensitive Raman Nanoparticles for Detection of Microscopic Cancer




【地点】Med-X 108 (闵行文选楼323会议室同步视频)

【摘要】The inability to visualize the true extent of cancers represents a significant challenge in many areas of oncology. Furthermore, the multifocal microscopic satellite lesions represent a major reason for tumor local recurrences and metastatic spread. An imaging method to reveal the tumor extent is desired clinically and surgically. To this end, a novel surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) nanoparticles (SERRS-nanostars), which feature a star-shaped gold core, a Raman reporter resonant in the near-infrared spectrum, and a primer-free silication method, has been developed.

SERRS-nanostars enabled the visualization of the full tumor extent in state-of-the-art mouse models of breast cancer, sarcoma, pancreas cancer and prostate cancer, without requiring a dedicated targeting moiety; in other words, a “one-probe-fits-all” concept. The precise visualization of tumor margins, microscopic tumor invasion, multifocal loco-regional tumor spread, and even premalignant lesions using SERRS-nanostars Raman imaging was demonstrated. High sensitivity (1.5 femtomolar limit of detection) and broad applicability, in conjunction with their inert gold-silica composition, render SERRS-nanostars a promising imaging agent for more precise cancer imaging and resection.

【报告人简介】黄锐敏博士于1999年在中国科学技术大学分子生物学与细胞生物学系获得学士学位,于2004年在中国科学院上海生命科学学院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所获得博士学位,同年赴美国斯隆凯特琳癌症研究中心从事博士后研究,现任该中心放射医学系的Senior Research Scientist。

黄博士师从分子影像学的先驱Ronald Blasberg和Moritz Kircher博士,她的主要研究方向是将分子影像学在肿瘤生物学中的转化应用。她当前的研究主要集中在应用光学分子成像技术(含拉曼光谱成像,荧光成像和生物发光成像)及放射性同位素成像技术(含正电子发射计算机断层显像(PET)和单光子发射计算机断层扫描成像(SPECT)),在小鼠肿瘤模型中在体无损地检测:1)浸润性肿瘤边界;2)肿瘤微转移灶;3)前哨淋巴结的肿瘤转移;4)肿瘤对药物处理的反应;5)肿瘤微环境细胞通讯。
