发布时间:2021-04-13 16:33:00

IVIS® Lumina IIIPerkinElmer最新推出的第三代高灵敏度多光谱小动物活体光学二维成像平台。VIS Lumina III秉承了前几代IVIS系列共有的作为业内金标准的高灵敏度生物发光二维成像性能,并且进一步优化了荧光二维成像性能,将滤光片标准配置数量增加至26个,同时引入了作为荧光多光谱成像金标准的纯光谱分析技术(CPS),使得Lumina III成为同时拥有生物发光及荧光二维成像金标准的高性能活体成像平台。


  • 高灵敏度生物发光二维成像
  • 高性能荧光二维成像, 配备高品质滤光片及专利的光谱分离算法,可实现自发荧光扣除及多探针成像
  • 基于切伦科夫辐射原理的放射性同位素成像
  • 生物发光及荧光成像模式联合使用

The IVIS® Lumina Series III brings together years of leading optical imaging technologies into one easy to use and exquisitely sensitive bench-top system.

The IVIS Lumina III is capable of imaging both fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters. The system is equipped with up to 26 filter sets that can be used to image reporters that emit from green to near-infrared. Superior spectral unmixing can be achieved by Lumina III’s optional high resolution short cut off filters.

Features and Benefits

  • Market trusted technology offering the fullest suite of leading imaging technologies, reagents and support
  • Exquisite sensitivity in bioluminescence
  • Full fluorescence tunability through the NIR spectrum
  • Compute Pure Spectrum spectral umixing for ultimate fluorescence sensitivity
  • Expandable system tailored to your workflow
